Science and the Bible
“What draws me to science in general is this notion of continual betterment that ultimately everything is peer-reviewed, and no one is...

My Reaction to Yuval Noah Harari on The Late Late Show
Note: This article was originally written in April of 2020. One thing that helps me find peace and quiet in this whirligig of a world is...

Christmas Blog: Why a Carpenter?
First, I’d like to wish everyone a most joyous Christmas season! I know that Christmas can be stressful and difficult at times, but...

Power Fictions Pt.4: "Power" & "Fiction"
Before we walk any deeper into this thicket together, I feel like I should more thoroughly describe, explain, define my usage of these 2...

Power Fictions Pt. 3: The Self
The Self is the most personal, profound, and complex Power Fiction there is. I’m not even totally sure how to start talking about it. ...
Power Fictions Pt.2: Layers & Layers
Quick Review from the last post (although if you haven't already, please read Part 1 of this post before reading any further). Why did I...

Power Fictions Pt. 1: Brainwashed
So…I want to take a break from the Lost Art theme for a minute. It’s important, in my opinion, to take little detours once in a while...

Subjectivity Part 2: A Universe Unto Yourself
I feel like it’s important to talk a bit more about the human subject just to demonstrate, in another way, the importance of subjectivity...
I think subjectivity is largely misunderstood and is slowly becoming a lost art because of it. Objectivity is a more science-y way of...

Patience Pt. 2 Living With Patience Anyway
Technology is slowly buying up real estate in your mind in order to give you constant stimulation and fulfill your most immediate desires....